Why your baby's babble needs a reaction

Why your baby's babble needs a reaction

If you respond well to your baby’s babbling, you will have many opportunities to hear and imitate a variety of sounds from your baby. Listening and mirroring are fundamentals of interaction. The more babbling there is, the more the child gets accustomed to intimate interactions.

In particular, making eye contact and stroking body parts such as face, hands, feet, and stomach to respond will help form a stable relationship with parents. As the muscles of the larynx and oral articulatory organs develop, the baby's babbling is also gradually improving

As the parents respond to their babies' babbles, it intrigues the babies to mimic the sounds they hear. Responding to our babies contributes to their oral development and they will eventually start speaking rather than babbling. 

How to respond well to babbling

  1. Respond with various expressions

If the child is babbling, mom and dad should open their eyes widely or wink to show various expressions. Another way is to exaggerate lip movements such as ‘ah, eh, ee, oh, woo’.

Also, keep your lips closed and show how you make both cheeks full with air and then thin them out, or fill your mouth with air and blow out the wind.

Do not forget to finish with a bright smile after interacting with various expressions.

  1. Follow your baby's babbling

You can make the same sound as your baby's babbling, or imitate it with similar some sounds. If the child babbles ‘ah’, then you should imitate the babble in a different tone or pitch.

  1. Speak in a clear, high-pitched tone

Let's have an everyday conversation with stories suitable for the baby’s daily routine, such as “Are you awake?”, “Do you want to eat yummies?”, “you had a poo poo”, and “You are falling asleep~”. In this case, it is better to use parentese, which is a way of speaking slowly, with emphasis on syllables, with clear, high tone.

Our Teddy tunez respond to your baby’s touch with songs, sounds to help expand their vocabulary. It is also helps teach find motor skills and learning through play.


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