How to decide which toys are truly beneficial for your babies

How to decide which toys are truly beneficial for your babies

Mom to mom, base your decision on your baby's developmental stage


As moms, it is important to know what catches our babies attention. The target of interest varies depending on the developmental level of your baby I suggest carefully observing your baby’s behavior and what catches their attention.

  • As newborns they are mainly interested in mobiles and rattles since they are beginning to develop auditory stimulation
  • After 6 month they are able to hold objects in their hands and they show interest in toys that make noises.
  • At 9-11 months, standing in their thing! Babies who are growing faster than others even start walking on their own! During this period they are more interested in toys that can be pushed or dragged rather than toys that can be played while just sitting.

Before buying a toy for your baby, I suggest you ask yourself the following questions.

- Will this toy assist my baby's sensory development?

-Does it help the development of large and small muscles?

-Is it a toy that develops cognitive abilities? 

Our Teddy tunez is a development educational toy that  aim to enhance the physical and cognitive development for baby 3 months & up. 

There are various standards for purchasing toys, however the most basic and most important consideration is the safety of toys.

Although toys have to be made following specific safety guidelines, not all toys are designed to ensure our babies safety.

In my next blog we will discuss the importance of safe toys for our babies as well as how to determine if a toy is safe.

How to choose safe toys for your baby

How to choose safe toys for your baby


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